Better Together
Megan Rose is the CEO of Better Together, a nonprofit helping people find jobs and overcome crises without losing children to foster care. With the help of hundreds of passionate volunteers and local churches, the group operates two voluntary programs: Better Families and Better Jobs. She and her family even host children in their own home. For Rose, that’s just a starting point.
“The best way to fix foster care is to reduce the need for it in the first place. The Better Families program has provided 3,200 Southwest Florida children with safe, temporary homes while mentoring parents to find jobs, homes, treatment and more,” she says. “Next up, we are expanding Better Families across Florida to end the foster care crisis statewide. We are also introducing our work program into every state and major city in America. We’ve also been asked to introduce Better Jobs to a network of 7,000 pastors across the country.”
Rose has been recognized as a Manhattan Institute Civil Society Fellow and was the inaugural recipient of its Civil Society Award in 2019.