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Make a New Year’s resolution that you’ll actually get excited about this year. No more gym memberships that go unused, no more unrealistic weight-loss goals. Resolve to relax more in 2022. After all, that’s the winning formula to a successful New Year’s resolution: Find something that feels like a reward, not a chore. Here are a few ideas that might spark that resolution that finally sticks.

Find a yoga buddy

It’s one thing to sign up for yoga classes, but such commitments often fall by the wayside. Your best bet is to bring a buddy. It helps keep you honest, and those last-minute, “I don’t feel like it” bailouts aren’t so easy when you know you’ve got someone coming to pick you up. Find a friend who wants to embark on the yoga journey with you. It’s not just finding a time to relax, it’s making time to catch up with a friend, as well.

Do a digital detox

It’s easier than trying to lose a few pounds, but afterward, you’ll feel as though a weight has been lifted off your shoulders. A digital detox is a way to cleanse your technology routine. Excessive digital use can lead to sleep loss or even depression, so set limits to how much you go online. Take notifications off your phone. Put it on silent for parts of the evening. Limit your social media use to 30 minutes a day. An app such as Offtime can help with this.

Sleep more

Here’s an easy one. Lack of sleep can snowball into plenty of issues, including weight gain, heart disease and anxiety disorders. Adults need at least 7 hours of sleep each night. Make a resolution to schedule sleep like you schedule an appointment. Set an alarm for not just when to wake up, but when to slide into bed.

Walk more

The first step to better health and less stress is, well, a first step. If you’ve fallen out of a workout routine, one of the best ways to start again is doing what’s simple: Walking. And the best way to stay on course is to join a club. The Southwest Florida Blue Zones Project hosts moai walking clubs in which small groups get together each week to walk and talk. It’s a mild workout, all while meeting new people. 

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