Tabatha Butcher


Chief of EMS, Collier County Emergency Medical Services

Tabatha Butcher has aided the people of Collier County for the last two decades. An employee of Collier County Emergency Medical Services for 20 years, Butcher has served in roles such as flight paramedic, captain, battalion chief and assistant chief, before being promoted to chief of EMS in May 2016. The Naples native has accomplished many things in her latest position, including placing power lift stretchers on ambulances to assist in patient safety, purchasing laptops for all ambulances to facilitate better dispatch communication, creating a program to help train existing employees to replace retiring supervisors, and promoting department officers who had not had pay raises in eight years.

Butcher is also a 2016 graduate of Leadership Collier and active with with David Lawrence Center, Collier County Emergency Medical Authority, Drug Free Collier, Safe and Healthy Children’s Coalition of Collier County and more. She recently became a member of the EMS steering committee and she’s a two-time nominee of the Naples Daily News Distinguished Public Servant Award.

Butcher has two children—Dylan, 13, and Ashlyn, 9—with her husband, Michael.

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