The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development announced $14.1 million to support people experiencing homelessness in Florida communities impacted by Hurricane Helene and Milton, including $731,570 to Collier County and $529,738 to Lee County. The Rapid Unsheltered Survivor Housing funding will be allocated to the state and 16 jurisdictions to address needs not otherwise served or fully met by existing federal disaster relief programs. The eligible activities for this funding include emergency shelter, rapid rehousing, which provides up to 24 months of rental assistance, financial assistance for move-in costs and supportive services and homelessness prevention, which provides up to 24 months of rental assistance, utility assistance and supportive services for people at risk of homelessness and outreach assistance, including assistance to meet urgent needs.
Sidewalks in downtown Naples are so crowded that city officials plan to add 3 feet to the required walking space...
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