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The Charlotte County Planning and Zoning Board approved Lennar Homes’ preliminary plat plans Monday to build hundreds of new homes in two subdivisions in the Babcock Ranch community.

Lennar’s Tuckers Cove Phase 2 consists of 505 residential lots and seven tracts on 116.15 acres, and Webbs Reserve Phase 2 includes 142 residential lots and 10 tracts on 58.85 acres.

Webbs Reserve aerial location map

Both subdivisions are south of Bermont Road, north of Babcock Trail, west of the Charlotte-Glades county line, and east of State Road 31 in the boundary of the Babcock Ranch Community Development of Regional Impact (DRI).

Jenny Shao

The county’s project coordinator, Jenny Shao, told the board the preliminary plat plans met with the county’s comprehensive plan, code laws and other guidelines, as well as being consistent with the Babcock mixed future use land map designation and the community’s overlay zoning district.

Tuckers Cove aerial location map

Next, Lennar can apply for final site plan approval, and the firm’s applications for Tuckers Cove Phase 2 and Webbs Reserve Phase 2, will go before the Board of County Commissioners on Sept. 24, Shao said.

Planning and Zoning Board Chair Michael Gravesen asked whether any members of the public wanted to speak on the Lennar applications, but no one came forward.

During the final site plan review, the county’s surveyor and environmental specialist will provide input, Shao said.

When built out, the Babcock Ranch community will have 19,500 homes.

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