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Lt. Gen. Scott A. Spellmon, chief of engineers and commanding general of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, signed the Chief’s Report on Sept. 11 for the Western Everglades Restoration Plan.

The purpose of the WERP is to improve the quantity, quality, timing and distribution of water needed to restore and reconnect the western Everglades ecosystem. WERP seeks to reestablish ecological connectivity from the northwest portion of the study area, across the Seminole Tribe of Florida’s Big Cypress Reservation and into Big Cypress National Preserve while maintaining flood protection and ensuring that inflows meet applicable water quality standards.

The report details USACE’s Alternative Hybrid Natural Flow Revised plan that would achieve the project benefits by redistributing water to several major remnant flowways that lie directly south and southeast of the Wingate Mill and West Feeder canals, including Kissimmee Billy Strand and Cowbell Strand.

Construction of the North Feeder Stormwater Treatment Area within the C-139 Annex will direct treated water from the North Feeder Canal Sub-Basin to Water Conservation Area 3A via the L-3 canal.

The study’s recommended plan will begin the federal review process and congressional consideration for inclusion in future Water Resources Development Act legislation to fund implementation.

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