City of Fort Myers launched its new domain name, City officials said the domain name was vetted and approved by the Cybersecurity & Infrastructure Security Agency to ensure the website is recognized as an authoritative and secure source for public information. The new website address is part of a long-term effort to strengthen the city’s brand identity, increase security and counter disinformation. The previous domain name,, will redirect users to for six months. The and website addresses will remain the same. Registering for a .gov domain through CISA required the city to submit evidence it was applying on behalf of a legitimate local government. The new .gov domain makes it more difficult for malicious actors and scammers to co-opt the city website, officials said. As part of the launch, all city employee emails, including police and fire personnel, have transitioned to the domain name.
The president of an area Realtors association said although there was a small uptick in Charlotte County home sales in...
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