Several projects designed to enhance safety and efficiency were completed at Naples Airport Authority. These improvements focus on runway safety areas, taxiway safety and reducing the risk of runway incursions, further aligning Naples Airport with Federal Aviation Administration safety standards.
The projects included the relocation of the existing perimeter road at the approach end of Runway 23, reducing safety risks by moving the road out of the Runway Safety Areas. The addition of a new perimeter road at the approach end of Runway 5 virtually eliminated the need for airport vehicles to cross active runways, further reducing safety risks and streamlining airport operations, airport authority officials said.
In addition, the relocation of Taxiway A-3 A provided a safety measure by eliminating direct access to the primary runway, reducing the potential for runway incursions and ensuring compliance with FAA design standards.
Enhancements at the intersection of Taxiways A and B include new runway guard lights and updated pavement geometry, which addressed an FAA-designated Hot Spot and improves pilot awareness and operational safety.