The City of Marco Island approved resuming nighttime work on the Tigertail Lagoon/Sand Dollar Island restoration project. This approval is based on parameters provided by the Florida Department of Environmental Protection, recognizing the project permit allows 24–hour-a-day work, and by continuing nighttime operations, the project will finish sooner, city officials said. A sea turtle specialist will continue on-site supervision during the remainder of the project. The work area will be limited to 500 feet, and vehicles will not traverse the beach at night. The announcement follows the city’s suspension of nighttime operations after a city-contracted Ahtna Marine and Construction all-terrain vehicle drove over a marked potential sea turtle nest May 16. Collier County’s sea turtle monitoring team conducted a hand digging, which determined no eggs were present.
The Nieves family, owners of a new Cuban food takeout restaurant, wants to introduce non-Cubans to not only their native...
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