The Park Shore Beach Renourishment Project began Jan. 6. The sand needed is being sourced from Stewart Materials in Immokalee and delivered by truckloads, Collier County officials said. Construction access will be at Horizon Way, which will be closed to the public for the project’s duration.
The project is needed to replenish the beach, which experiences natural erosion throughout the year but also has seen multiple storms this past hurricane season. The beach is designed to be a standard 85-foot width from the dune line to Mean High Water Line to provide residents and tourists with storm protection and recreational space. The project limits are from about 1,000 feet north of Naples Cay to near Lausanne Condominiums.
The Board of County Commissioners approved the $5.5 million project in December. The funds have been allocated from Tourist Development Tax funds, with the Florida Department of Environmental Protection anticipated to partially reimburse the project.
Hours of operation will be 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. Mondays through Saturdays. Completion is anticipated in early April.