Fort Myers’ Southwest Florida International Airport was named the best airport in the U.S. by Travel Lens, a digital publication highlighting travel destinations around the world. It pitted the 50 busiest airports against each other to reveal the best in the country based on a range of factors, including wait times, passenger satisfaction levels and carbon dioxide emissions. RSW scored an 8.06 out of 10 to edge John Wayne Airport (7.96) in Orange County, California; and Portland International Airport (7.86) in Oregon. While it may not be the biggest airport in terms of area, RSW is currently the second-busiest single-runway airport in the country. However, it still manages a wait time of just 16 minutes as well as low pollution levels, the report states. Tampa International and Dallas Love Field rounded out the top five highest-ranking airports.
Finding it worth the wait, scores of patrons stood in line to be among the first to experience Naples’ new...
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