Suncoast Credit Union Foundation donated $300,000 to sponsor a Teen Center at the Park Meadows Community Club, a flagship location under development in Fort Myers by Boys & Girls Clubs of Lee County.
The Teen Center will offer older club members a distinctive space with programs that cater to college and career readiness. The space can accommodate dozens of teens in the After-school Program and Summer Enrichment Camp and will feature individual and group learning stations, as well as lounge seating, a television and other teen-centric amenities.
Architectural renderings for the Park Meadows Community Club transformation include enclosed activity centers, a gathering hall, an innovation lab, a culinary center, a youth playground, a community conference room, a game room, an academic center, a health and wellness center, “big dreams hub,” creative corner and sports field.
The Park Meadows Capital Campaign has a $4 million fundraising goal. Renovations are expected to continue through fall 2025.