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A local development that includes a 400-unit apartment complex and about 350,000 square feet of commercial construction is expected to break ground this week on nearly 70 acres on Immokalee Road in Golden Gate Estates. 

The property on the west side of Immokalee Road just after it curves north at what is known as the Randall Curve, begins on the northwest corner of where Fourth Street Northeast lines up with Randall Boulevard and ends just beyond the traffic signal at Orange Tree Boulevard, south of Oil Well Road. The Davis Group, a commercial developer based in Atlanta, owns slightly more than 50 acres that it has named Randall at Orangetree on development plans filed with Collier County, while another more than 19 acres interconnected to its north are being jointly developed by Naples-based Barron Collier Companies and Metro Commercial. Peninsula Engineering, one of the Barron Collier Companies, is involved with the development of both properties. 

In addition to the Randall at Orangetree apartments being built on more than 31 acres across Immokalee Road from Orangetree residential communities and the Publix-anchored Neighborhood Shoppes at Orangetree, outparcel development fronting Immokalee Road is planned for a 7-Eleven convenience store and gas station, a McDonald’s drive-thru, Brickyard Express Car Wash, Randall Curve Storage and medical offices. Also ringing the development will be about 10 additional outparcel lots with tenants still unknown.

Only about 5 acres of the property previously were cleared, leaving nearly 45 acres still heavily forested until development starts. The scope of work proposed under an early work authorization application to Collier County Growth Management includes clearing the acreage, spreading fill, installing storm sewer infrastructure and excavating two lakes. 

The county recently removed the potable water treatment chloramine booster station it installed five years ago on the southern corner of the property. The existing paved entrance on Fourth Street will be used as a construction entrance to temporarily allow traffic exiting the project site to access Immokalee Road via the signalized intersection to prevent large vehicles from having to U-turn on Immokalee Road. Construction on turn lanes for the project will begin soon and be completed during the summer while school is not in session, the county reports. 

A 400-unit apartment community will be built by Georgia-based Davis Development, which develops and manages luxury apartment communities, including the 400 units at The Pearl Founders Square on the southeast corner of Immokalee Road and Collier Boulevard. The 7-Eleven store and gas pumps will be built on 2 acres with its own car wash and electric vehicle charging stations. The three-story self-storage business will be an 89,325-square-foot building. The McDonald’s restaurant is proposed on the southwest corner of Immokalee Road and Orange Tree Boulevard. 

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