Getting the time to unwind will mean nothing if you spend your downtime checking email on your phone. Work-life balance has been a catchphrase for a while, but during the pandemic, especially if you’re working from home, it’s essential to keep your sanity. Follow a few short rules for a more relaxed life.
Avoid email
Don’t even check it at home. If that last sentence gives you anxiety, set a time limit for email catch-up each night or weekend. Focus on the most important and flag the rest for later.
Put your phone to bed
You think it’s just a few minutes of harmless scrolling in bed, but before you know it, you’re back in your inbox. Set an alarm for an hour before you snuggle in. That’s when you put your phone on silent and set it down.
Use those vacation days
About 25% of earned days off go unused each year, according to a study by U.S. Travel. Take a day here and there for some personal time not associated with a holiday or big family trip. And plan those in advance to give yourself plenty of time to prepare.
Insist on sleep
Adults need seven to nine hours per night, so give yourself a hard shutdown time. Stress is one of the top reasons for lack of sleep. And a lack of sleep is one of the top reasons for stress. Don’t fall into that cycle.
Be ready to sacrifice
So, doing all this may mean some things fall by the wayside. And that’s fine. All it means is that you’ll have to prioritize the work that’s most important, and let some of the less important things go.
Set the standard
If you’re the boss, let your employees know you value their time off. Don’t send late-night emails. Be open to flexible hours or telecommuting if possible. If your employees don’t feel like they’re working all the time, they’re less likely to burn out and will be more energetic when they come to work.